Wood Carver Bio - Dwayne Gosnell

Dwayne Gosnell grew up in a small town in North Carolina.  Like any other child dreaming of the day he would go off into the world and make his mark.  In his childhood he would often help his father make wood projects like furniture and cedar chests.  Woodworking gave him the ability to create something from nothing.  It wasn’t until later in life, after serving in the marine corps he was thrown back into creating again.  He happened into a local wood working shop and purchased a book on carving a face in walking sticks.  After two trips to the emergency room,  3 dozen boxes of band-aids, and countless trips back to the carving store for more carving books,  the man behind the counter said with a grin “you know we have a carving club right”.  After the thought of “now you tell me” passed Dwayne got the information for the Catawba Valley Wood Carvers. 

While leaving the the store, the old man said “bring some carvings with ya for show and tell”.  The first night of the first club meeting Dwayne came into a crowded stock room, carrying his finest free plastic bag filled with two tools, carving books, and a dozen butchered faces carved into tree limbs.  He sat alone in the back corner and thought “there’s no way I’m opening this bag of junk in front of these master carvers”.   With the life sized birds and amazing caricatures they brought for show and tell Dwayne was overwhelmed.  As he thought all this in his head, he heard a female voice say “Hi”.  He  looked around and saw Page Cartledge.  Little did he  know, that “Hi” would start a conversation which fueled the fire for caricature carving.   After meeting Page and her husband Mitch, Mitch agreed to help Dwayne out and Dwayne carved with Mitch on Monday nights for almost a year. 

This time spent carving  was more than enough to get Dwayne hooked, he was now addicted to everything caricature.  He wasn’t good, even though he had an amazing teacher but he was determined to absorb anything caricature carving. Fast forward 14 years and now Dwayne is  the guy sharing what he learned along the way and how to avoid the mistakes he’s made to others.  Dwayne is now the president of the Catawba Valley Wood Carvers where he’s served for the past 5 years.  Dwayne teaches classes around the US and owns rough-out patterns for the Phil, and Vicky Bishop collection, as well as most of Steve Browns rough-out collection. Dwayne now lives in Hickory North Carolina with his wife Melissa and two children Payton and Mason. Dwayne works in law enforcement and carving has always been a way to unwind after a long day. 

Carving has become more than a hobby throughout the years, it has become an endless passion to create. He has won many awards throughout the years but the friendships he’s made are worth more than any awards. 

Contact info:

Dwayne can be reached through his site at www.dgosnellwoodcarving.com

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Dwayne's Videos & Workshop Recordings

Pirate Workshop -
Woodcarving Jingles - Workshop Recording
Brody Workshop Recording
Count Vamp Workshop Recording

Dwayne's Videos & Workshop Recordings

Woodarving Pirate Pickles - Workshop RecordingCaricatures/WorkshopDwayne Gosnell Link
Woodcarving ScottieCaricaturesDwayne Gosnell Link
Woodcarving Chief BigFeatherCaricatures/WorkshopsDwayne Gosnell Link
Woodcarving BrodyCaricatures/WorkshopsDwayne Gosnell Link
Woodcarving Count VampCaricatures/WorkshopsDwayne GosnellLink
Woodcarving JinglesCaricatures/Holiday/WorkshopsDwayne GosnellLink
Woodcarving Papa NoelCaricatures/Holiday/WorkshopsDwayne GosnellLink Added December 2022
Woodcarving MeltonCaricatures/WorkshopsDwayne GosnellLink Added January 2023
Woodcarving Greasy RiderCaricatures/WorkshopsDwayne Gosnell Link Added April 2023
Woodcarving HalfbackCaricatures/WorkshopsDwayne Gosnell Link Added May 2023
Woodcarving Byron BeaverCaricature Animals/WorkshopsDwayne Gosnell Link Added June 2023
Woodcarving Namesake SantaCaricature Holidays/WorkshopsDwayne Gosnell Link Added Sep 2023
Carving Big FeetCaricaturesDwayne Gosnell Link Added Oct 2023
Carving OlenCaricaturesDwayne Gosnell Link Added Oct 2023
Woodcarving Chief Say WhatCaricaturesDwayne Gosnell Link Added Oct 2023
Woodcarving LoboCaricaturesDwayne Gosnell Link Added Feb 2024
Woodcarving Mr. ElectricCaricaturesDwayne Gosnell Link Added Apr 2024
All about the EyesCaricaturesDwayne Gosnell Link Added June 2024