Wood Carver Bio - Randy Stoner

My feelings of utter joy and absolute passion have never felt stronger than when engaged with wood carving. The outright direction for my life changed when I bought my first chisel and moved it through the wood. Initially, it all started with a pocket knife and a small block of wood with thoughts of a Boy Scout trip, merit badges, and the phenomenal wood carving teacher I met as a youth. Years later, when life solidified into the norm of the everyday, I began… For the past 25 plus years I have dedicated every minute of free time to wood carving. This is never truer than when I go on vacation and “feel” like I am “Not” on vacation, as I miss my wood carving terribly.

I have moved through the realm of wood carving with stand-alone pieces and relief carvings. Relief carvings are my specialty, though I welcome  challenges of all types of carving, as you can see from my work. My passion is creation that can come from anywhere, go anywhere, but must be unique; things that are beautiful, uncommon, and are created from angles not immediately seen in everyday life. Fantasy carvings are my most favorite as they are so expressive, dynamic, and full of rich characters that can send the mind off and running with each glimpse.

The choice of “Madcarver” as a name for me comes from what people said about me in the beginning. Often friends and family thought I was crazy to start a hobby that (to them) appeared so very difficult. Additionally, many felt that I’d never be able to create anything of value or beauty. Eventually, many associated with me determined that I was spending every waking minute of free time carving wood, and thought I was mad to do so..

All pieces are created by me (Madcarver), hand chiseled works of art, and heat stamped with my logo by hand.

I have started teaching on the Woodcarving Academy  September 2021 and hope you enjoy my woodcarving lessons.

Randall Stoner

Aka, Madcarver

Visit Randy’s website at http://www.madcarver.com

Randy's current and future Videos

Relief Carving Cube on TableReliefRadny StonerLink ## Added Sep 2024 ##
Relief Carving Ball on TableReliefRadny StonerLink ## Added Sep 2024 ##
Woodcarving City Street from a Worm's Eye ViewReliefRadny StonerLink ## New Added Dec 2024 ##


Relief Carving Ball on Table
Relief Carving Cube on Table